The Health Resources Services Administration defines telehealth as the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration. Technologies include videoconferencing, the internet, store-and-forward imaging, streaming media, and terrestrial and wireless communications. Telehealth is different from telemedicine because it refers to a broader scope of remote healthcare services than telemedicine. While telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical services, telehealth can refer to remote non-clinical services, such as provider training, administrative meetings, and continuing medical education, in addition to clinical services. There are several other ways to define telehealth. See the below websites for further information on telehealth
What is TeleHealth? How is TeleHealth different from TeleMedicine?
Why is telehealth important for rural providers?
When will the OKdoc App be ready for download?
How will medical insurance be navigated? Is there a specific telemedicine insurance we as clinicians will have to add to our existing cover or is it incurred by the company?
Is there an arrangement with labs and electronically generated lab forms as part of the platform?
how does the follow up of these results work? Are we able to access the results without being registered as practitioners with these companies?
Can the same be performed for an x-ray etc the report will be sent to us? and how...
Are there minimum tech requirements for the clinician? E.g. Mic